Let's CAST about Mór

How to make?


Wine soup

5 eggs

5 spoons of sugar

one litre of wine

some cloves


Mix the eggs and the sugar, until it is smooth.

Put the clove and cinnamon in the wine and slowly boil it. Take it off  and when it is not boiling put the egg and sugar mixture in it and stir gently.


Wine soup served two purposes. One was that it was not decent from the ladies to drink wine in public. But wine soup is not wine, so it was allowed. The second was that the other typical German ethnic sweets are dry and kvirceli has got a neutral taste and it was dipped into wine soup and than eaten – by man and by woman as well.



Mix 3 whole eggs and 4 egg yolks with 15 spoonfuls of sugar. Put 2 dkg of NH4HCO3 and stir until it is thick, put some floor as much as it can take (ca. 70 dkg). Roll it and put patterns with the special press on it. Cover it, than next day you can put it in the oven.


Cat paw

30 dkg ground nut

20 dkg sugar

10 dkg crumbs of  biscuit

2 white of egg

1 yolk of an egg

1 spoonful of cocoa

Whip the white of the eggs with the sugar and mix the yolk in it. Add the other ingredients and make the dough.  Put flour into the press form and put some dough in it than put in on the cake pan. Put it in the oven onto a low heat, dry it.


Nusstangli – nut stick


50 dkg ground nut

40 dkg sugar

 20 dkg crumbs of biscuit

4 white of eggs

2 yolks

grated skin of one lemon

juice of the lemon


Whip the white of the egg with 35 dkg of sugar. Mix the nut, the crumbs and the grated skin of the lemon and the yolks. Pour 2/3rds of the whipped white into it and knead together. Roll it (1 cm). Whip the rest of the white with another 5 dkg of sugar to get hard mousse and spread over the dough. Cut the dough into 1 cm wide strips and put it into oven (dry it).

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